
violation of customs legislation, crime against the basis of economy, qualification of crimes, smuggling, economic smuggling, property obtained through criminal means, forgery, currency values, abuse of power or authority


This article examines the issues of qualifying the violation of customs legislation as a type of crime against the foundations of the economy and differentiating it from crimes of similar content. The article gives a general description of the concept of qualification of crimes and analyzes the issues that need to be paid attention to when qualifying violations of the customs legislation. In particular, emphasis is placed on the features that reflect the social danger, guilt and punishability of the act, features that distinguish it from other crimes and offenses, features that are directly specified in the law or directly derived from its interpretation, features that are not derived from other signs, and features that are characteristic of all of these types of crimes. given Also, this article examines the issues of distinguishing this crime from crimes with a similar content. In particular, proposals were put forward for the correct classification of crimes related to the violation of the customs legislation and the improvement of the criminal legislation in this regard. In addition, the article deals with the violation of customs legislation in the form of smuggling, illegal crossing of the border, falsification of documents, abuse of power or official authority, deviation from its scope, import and export of cash, possession of property obtained through criminal means. issues of differentiation from crimes are thoroughly analyzed. In this regard, attention is paid to the current legislation, norms and explanations given in the decisions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In this case, the author's conclusions and fundamental views are substantiated for each analyzed case.



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