
ischemic heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias, metabolic therapy, cytoprotection, antianginal therapy


The main pathological condition that occurs in many diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular in coronary heart disease, is hypoxia. Clinical data indicate that a promising direction in the fight against hypoxia is the use of pharmacological agents that reduce hypoxia and increase the body's resistance to oxygen deficiency. Of particular interest are metabolic drugs that purposefully affect metabolic processes during hypoxia. These are drugs of various chemical classes, their action is mediated by various mechanisms: improving the oxygen transport function of the blood, maintaining the energy balance of cells, correcting the function of the respiratory chain and metabolic disorders of tissue and organ cells. Similar properties are possessed by antihypoxants, antioxidants and cytoprotectors, which are widely used in clinical practice. This article presents data from a clinical study of the drug gluthione, which open up additional therapeutic possibilities for the pharmacotherapy of coronary artery disease. Due to the original mechanism of action aimed at optimizing the energy metabolism of the myocardium, this drug should be used in combination therapy to potentiate the antianginal and antiarrhythmic effect in patients with coronary artery disease with heart rhythm disturbances.



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