This article argues the psychological features of victims of human trafficking, particularly the psychological types as well as psycho-emotional state of the victims. Also, special attention is directed to the focus on the main provisions of the Model Law No. 30-12 "On Assistance to Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings".
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Brodchenko O.I. Psychological characteristics of victims of crimes related to human trafficking [Electronic resource] // Applied Legal Psychology, No. 4, 2009. P. 96–104. url: http://www.alpmag.info/archive/91-number-4-for-the-year-2009.htmlс (accessed 25.05.2015).
Typological approach in the production of criminal cases on human trafficking: textbook. allowance / [G.K. Smirnov, T.V. Varchuk, L.S. Oak]; under. ed. G.K. Smirnova. – M.: UNITI-DANA, 2009. 143 p.
Model Law No. 30-12 “On Assistance to Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings” (adopted by the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States on April 03, 2008 // Information Bulletin. Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the States Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States. 2008. No. 42. P. 354– 388.