The article analyzes the history, development and the content of changes of this institution in the civil court in Uzbekistan. The author concludes that the institution of judicial jurisdiction in the civil courts in a modern form of liquidation and content was formed as a result of the civil court reform of 1961, which took place in the entire Union under the Soviet Union. Until then, the rules of jurisdiction in those countries where Islamic and customary law were in force were not clearly systematized, mainly the answer is applied to the local judicial institutions (judicial system was not complicated). The Civil Procedure Code of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic of 1963 established the rule of territorial jurisdiction, according to it, the application is submitted to the court of the defendant's place of residence, and also the rules of jurisdiction for the trial according to the place where the legal fact was committed, the place where the subject of the dispute is located. Today, the Republic of Uzbekistan has developed territorial (forum domicilii), subject-related and related sullov-related rules as a continuation of this historical development. An article by Contemporary sudlovga tegishlilik outlined the content and essence of the case.
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