In this article, the logical, systematic, logical-legal, comparative-legal methods of research are widely used. In particular, the formation of the doctrine of the crime compound and its stages of historical development are described in detail. At the same time, in the development of the existing concept of criminal composition in the theory of modern criminal law, the specific importance of the features of the objective side of the crime and its differences with actus reus are described. In this article, based on the deduction method of research, as a basis for the doctrine of the crime compound , the objective side of the crime, i.e. corpus delicti (in ancient Roman law) - the structure of the law (classical German criminal law) - the concept of the crime compound (XIX-XX centuries (50-60 years) reflect the existing theoretical and scientific views on criminal law. This article also focuses on the specific signs of the objective side of the crime in the formation and development of the doctrine of the crime compound and the concept of the crime compound , their specific criminal-legal significance, as well as the only basis for liability mentioned in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the theoretical and practical problems related to the elements of the crime. At the same time, the criminal legislation of the USA, England, Wales, New Zealand, The Russian Federation, and Moldova was analyzed, and specific proposals and recommendations for improving the criminal legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan were developed.
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