
atopic dermatitis, children, gastrointestinal tract, chronic pancreatitis, elastase, enzyme preparations


This study found that among children with atopic dermatitis (AtD) among diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), chronic pancreatitis (CP) is most common (52.9%). A high positive correlation was found between the clinical signs of atopic dermatitis (the intensity of the rash) and the abdominal pain observed with CP (r = + 0.9), while abdominal pain was also associated with symptoms such as itchy skin and abnormal sleep (r = +0.7 and r = + 0.83). In AtD, there was a high negative correlation between an increase in the SCORAD index and a decrease in the amount of elastase (r = -0.82), as well as an increase in IgE and a decrease in the amount of elastase (r = -0.9). The use of enzyme preparations (in age-specific dosages) in complex treatment in children with AtD corrects pancreatic insufficiency; leads to the normalization of digestion, as a result of which there is a prolongation of the remission of AtD by 2.2 times.



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