The legal problems of the invalidity of a transaction made for a purpose that is obviously contrary to the foundations of law and order or morality have been scientifically and theoretically investigated. The experience of foreign countries on this issue, its genesis and legal concepts were also touched upon. At the same time, special attention is paid to the legal consequences of the invalidity of the transaction, antisocial and controversial transactions, the theoretical aspects of the recognition of the transaction invalid by the court are studied. In addition, in the legislative acts on the invalidity of the transaction in the Europe countries, the relevant norms have been investigated, and the author has expressed his opinion and comments. An attempt has been made to widely publicize the factors recognized as invalid, as well as issues of restitution. In this regard, it should be particularly noted that he tried to comprehensively study the legal aspects of invalidation of the transaction, which indicates the relevance of this topic.
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