
bilingualism, biculturalism, ethnic cultures, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics


For many years, the bilingual program continues to receive criticism. Many experts believed that it could affect intellectual development. A number of opinions on bilingualism are often based on myths and misinterpretations, but less on scientific findings. There is a number of myths about bilingualism and in particular about teaching children a second language early such as, language learning delay, split personality, cerebral confusion, or mixing language that affects confusion. In spite of receiving criticism, there are many advantages that support bilingualism. This article is going to discuss the definition of bilingualism, benefits of bilingualism in early childhood; cognitive advantages, social-emotional advantages, and career advantages. Furthermore, this article highlights the phenomenon of teaching English to young learners in Uzbekistan in relation to the benefits of being bilingual. Since English has gained the status of international lingua franca, therefore teaching English as a foreign language (afterward EFL) has become one of the major issues both to governments and individuals. Introducing English to young learners meets the benefits of bilingualism in early childhood.



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