
New Uzbekistan, social synergy, global, local, self-organization


The article explores the dynamics of modernization processes in Uzbek society, based on the concepts of global and local. The processes of modernization in Uzbek social reality, as in many other states, can be considered taking into account global and local aspects. Global influence is manifested through various global trends, technological innovations, political-economic connections and cultural influences. Local characteristics are determined by the history, culture, politics and social structures of a particular country. In the context of Uzbekistan, global factors include economic transformations, technological changes, cultural collaborations, social movements and ideas. However, local features of Uzbek culture, which are the foundation of Uzbek identity, should also be taken into account. In particular, this is a centuries-old historical heritage, the paradigm of the political system, the ethnic and religious characteristics of the region, and others. Understanding both global and local aspects of modernization helps to better adapt development and reform strategies in accordance with the specific needs and characteristics of Uzbek society. The author analyzes the relationship between global trends and specific features of the social reality of Uzbekistan. The study focuses on issues related to the transformation of cultural values, economic development and political changes in the context of
modernization efforts. The article offers new approaches to understanding the interaction between global and local factors in the Uzbek social environment, which contributes to a more in-depth analysis of modernization processes and their impact on various aspects of social life in Uzbekistan.



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