Introduction: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia that complicates the course of various cardiovascular diseases, and is also
accompanied by the frequent development of thromboembolic complications (TEC), primarily ischemic stroke. Purpose study is to obtain data on the prevalence of various forms of AF and compliance of the prevention of TEC on the use of anticoagulant agents on the territory of individual family polyclinics (FP) of Syrdarya region (Uzbekistan). Methods: To achieve this goal, FP№3 of the city of Gulistan and FP№14 of the Gulistan district of the Syrdarya region were randomly selected (urban and rural). With the help of electronic mathematical program were allocated by random selection method for FP№3 -1064 persons, and for FP№14 -812 persons. Results: in FP№3 in the age group of 40-49years, AF was detected in 1.11%, in the group of 50-59years, AF was detected in 0.56%, in the age category of 60 69years - in 2.27% of those examined. It should be noted that the detection of AF increased with age, reaching a maximum in the category of 90-91years (50%). In the age group over 80years, the prevalence of AF was 12.5%. And when analyzing rural areas (FP№14) in the age group of 50-59 years, AF was detected in 1.31%, and in the group of 60-69years 1.47%. At the outpatient stage, insufficient adequacy of the prevention of TEC was revealed in patients with AF studied both in urban (27%) and rural (25%) clinic.Conclusion: The prevalence of AF among the adult population of individual clinics in the city of Gulistan (1.03%) is 2 times higher than among the population of a rural clinic (0.49%). At the outpatient stage insufficient adequacy was revealed both
in individual urban and rural AF. Thus, more than 70% of patients with AF have a high risk of death and disability.
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