
Climate change, Aral Sea, “Uzbekistan - 2030” strategy, air pollution, Renewable energy sources, Industrial revolution, Innovation, “Green” hydrogen, Bioagrotechnology


Climate change on a global scale is inevitable and undeniable. The process of climate change in Central Asia is becoming uneven and progressive. The intensity of climate change in Central Asia, including in Uzbekistan, is two times higher than the world average. The purpose of the study is to analyze climate change trends, taking into account the Aral crisis, and specific proposals for technological re-equipment in the face of environmental and climate challenges. The reforms carried out in Uzbekistan in recent years to transition to a “green” economy, introduce environmentally friendly technologies, and renewable energy sources are projected and their necessity in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is substantiated. At the same time, the authors propose their own innovative environmentally friendly developments for the use of “green” hydrogen in industry and transport, as well as bioagrotechnology in agriculture.
In addition, the authors also propose a developed theory and a universal methodology for assessing the intensity of climate change, which has no analogues in the world.



Energy security paradigm: hydrogen is the main energy carrier of the XXI CENTURY. Alikhanov Bory Batirovich, Chairman of the Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the development of the Aral Sea region and ecology, Academy of Sciences. International Academy of Sciences of Ecology and Life Safety, Academician of the Academician of the Turan; Abdullaev Abdushukur Khamidovich, Director of the Geoinnovation Center at the Cadastre Agency, doctor of technical sciences, associate professor; Isaev Rikhsi Isakhodzhaevich, General manager «Center for Communication Technologies and Clean Energy» of the «ATETM», Professor; Iskandarov Zafar Samandarovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Vice-President of the Turan Academy of Sciences, Academician, Professor of the Department of Tashkent State Agrarian University; Seitova Leyli Pulatovna, Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.

А.Х. Абдуллаев, Б.Б. Алиханов, Р. Исаев, В.В. Королев, Г.Ш. Икромхужаев, Я.И. Маньковский “Автономный технический комплекс” для орошения сельскохозяйственных угодий при использовании возобновляемых источников энергии и производства водородного топлива для сельхоз техники, в зонах отсутсвия инфраструктуры. Свидетельство № 004658 от 11 апреля 2022 года. О депонировании объекта авторского права.

«Biotechnologic farming: an innovative approach to sustainable agriculture». Gulnara Djumaniyazova, Khurshida Narbaeva1, Boriy Alikhanov, Sanjar Rakhimov and Farhad Yuldashev. Research Institute of Microbiology, Tashkent, 100128, Uzbekistan, International Academy of Sciences on Ecology and Life Safety, Saint-Petersbourg, 199206, Russia, Innovation Ideas LLC, Tashkent, 100101, Uzbekistan, Belgorod State Technological University, Belgorod, 308012, Russia. E3S Web of Conferences 421, 01005 (2023) SERBEMA-2023

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CLIMATE MIGRATION IN CENTRAL ASIA: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS, Boriy Alikhanov, Chairman of the Uzbekistan Senate’s Committee on the Aral Sea Issues and Environment, Member of the International Academy of Sciences Ecology and Life safety University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Rosa Luxemburg sifting Central Asia Representative office. Baktia press 2023.

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