To conduct a comparative analysis of the condition of newborns depending on the mode of delivery in women who have experienced severe preeclampsia.
Materials and Methods
A comprehensive clinical and biochemical examination was conducted on 60 pregnant women at 28-40 weeks of gestation complicated by severe preeclampsia, with 30 of them undergoing abdominal delivery and the remaining 30 delivering vag-inally. The control group consisted of 20 pregnant women with a normal course of pregnancy at the same gestational age. The groups were representative in terms of parity, age, and severity of preeclampsia. The pregnant women underwent thorough clinical and laboratory examinations. Functional research methods were employed, including fetal condition assessment through auscultation, ultrasound biometry of the fetus and placenta, and Doppler assessment of uteroplacental-fetal circulation. The condition of the newborns was evaluated jointly with a neonatologist using the Apgar score.
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